Friday evening we took the children out for ice cream. Amazingly, the ice cream shops are not that expensive. Which is crazy considering a 1/2 gallon of ice cream in the grocery store is $10!!! I am not sure if Little One had eaten much ice cream before. She looked at it uncertainly but gobbled it up as soon as she tasted it. Then we headed over to the Plaza since we heard live music coming from that direction. The plaza was PACKED. There were vendors selling balloons, amazing pan de queso, sweets and anything else you can think of while the music played loudly. Dancers in traditional dress practiced their upcoming performances and families danced freely to the music while their children ran about. I am so glad we took the time to stop by. We saw our favorite Colombian police officer, Davie again and quickly realized how much our Spanish has improved just in two weeks. We could speak much more than the last time we met Davie!!
Jude and Davie. Anyone seeing a pattern in Jude's pictures?? |
Playing with the blocks on our last day in Valledupar |
Brant and I, the Little and the luggage rode in a van while the Bigs and Crystal rode with our driver. After a very curvy 45 minute ride from the airport into Medellin, we finally arrived at our apartment. The leasing agent and his wife/girlfriend were there to let us in. Between them and our entourage we had 16 people at the apartment at midnight! Diana's family were so crazy-good to us. They brought us a playpen for Jude and stocked our kitchen so we would have breakfast and much, much more without having to get to the grocery store so soon. It was so kind. Their generosity has continued as they brought us lunch several times, invited Brant to a private Tejo game and made their pool and playground available to our children.
While all the bustling was taking place in the apartment, Little One threw up. It was just all too much for her. The plane rides, the anxiety, the massive change in elevation and temperature. It was sad. She went on to sleep for the night and shortly after the rest of us did as well.
Our apartment lobby. We are on the 6th floor which is the top floor for this building. |
This picture does not do the view justice. It feels like we are above a canopy of trees. And at night the lights are gorgeous. |
On our road heading out for a trip to the mall. |
The kids are filling their time up with blocks, books, playdoh (a fan favorite), bubbles, cars, card games, iPods and jumping around like very loud monkeys. We even introduced Little One to What Does the Fox Say. She was enthralled :) Crystal has been everything I cannot be in each moment. She has done diapers, baths, vomit clean-up, laundry, dishes, kitchen cleanup, toy cleanup, games, songs, books, everything. I may not let her leave.
Book time with Daddy |
The spiral staircase leading to Dakota and Gavin's bedroom (loft) also serves as entertainment. |
Monkey bars |
Playdoh elephant mask |
Everyone is happy when the PlayDoh packs come out! |
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Wearing Mami's glasses and playing with my hair while sporting her new shoes from the mall. I can only convince her to take them off right before bed. |
But here is the upswing. Today was a really good day. Little One spent a very small amount of time warming up today. She laid down for nap and bed well, cried a lot less for her bath, tolerated a stroller ride to the grocery store this morning and to the park this afternoon and actually ate some today! We found some go-to foods: eggs (over-medium only), arepas with butter and salt, rice with butter and salt, pork, yogurt, jello, hot chocolate, coffee with milk and Avena. We will just rotate these forever :) She also played well with the kids and adults today. It was just a good day.
Today's trip to the park |
Jude's first non-crying moment in a while |
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Little One |
My sweet girl and my lifesaver sister |
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Oh Reese. |
Gavin is infatuated with the bamboo and his quest for "tropical bird feathers" |
1. Loves having her hair brushed and ponytailed or hair-bowed up.
2. Love of shoes and clothes <3.
3. Does this amazing crinkle nose thing when she smiles. So cute.
4. Is completely potty-trained and tells us every single time. Hallelujah!
5. Loves her siblings already. She calls them Cola, Gah-in, Ree and Chu.
6. Says the word "milla" about 100 times a day. She means "mira" which means look.
7. Shakes her finger at Reese when he does something she doesn't like.
8. Is quick to stick her tongue out at someone if she thinks Brant and I aren't looking.
9. Sassy.
10. Amazing curly hair that I'm learning (slowly) to tame.
11. Neatest eater ever.
12. Loves music and dancing.
13. Will bust out a pose for the camera. All you have to say is "poser".
14. Looks at pictures of herself and says "linda" or "hermosa" which means pretty. Sigh.
15. So smart. Understands so much English already and will repeat any words we ask her to.
16. Tiny. Almost as tall as Reese but today's skirt was a 12-18 month size and she will be 3 in January.
17. Has all of our hearts wrapped around her little finger.
I cannot wait to share more with you all. The days are busy but I will update when I can. Keep praying for us!!
Laughing with you and praying for you. Have a good time! Before you get home I'm going to sneak into your house and set the thermostat to 65 degrees.